Gal Gadot’s Five-Meal Method for Channeling Wonder Woman in ‘1984’

Photo credit: Gal Gadot / Instagram

Image credits: Gal Gadot’s account on Instagram
Featured on Harper’s BAZAAR
When Gal Gadot first took on the role of Wonder Woman in 2016, she made a commitment to take her health and fitness to a whole new level to be able to perform the superhuman feats required by the character on screen.
Getting ready for the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984 film was no easy feat. Between filming intense scenes and practicing stunts, Gal dedicated about an hour each day in the gym with her trainer, Magnus Lygdback, to truly embody Wonder Woman’s strength and sculpted physique.
Maintaining the physical demands of playing Wonder Woman required a strict diet, according to Lygdback in Women’s Health. To sustain her energy levels during preparations and filming, Gal followed a meal plan of eating five times a day, focusing on whole foods such as protein, complex carbohydrates like wild rice, healthy fats, and a generous amount of vegetables.
Lygdback’s primary rule was to emphasize nutrition in 17 out of 20 meals, giving Gal the freedom to indulge in favorites like pasta and wine for the remaining three. The key was to avoid high-glycemic carbs like white bread to stabilize her energy levels.
Under Lygdback’s guidance, Gal carefully planned her meals to support her superhero persona.
Typically, Gal and Magnus would start the day with an intense hour-long workout at the gym to set the tone for the day and ensure that her energy levels remained high throughout her busy schedule. To meet the demands of her mornings, Gal fueled her body with a nutritious breakfast consisting of poached eggs, quinoa, tomatoes, and avocado in a vibrant and healthy combination.

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback

Credit for the photo goes to Magnus Lygdback. Lygdback mentioned that consuming some nutritious carbs from quinoa helped Gal replenish her muscles and recover from intense training sessions, ensuring that she continued to progress. Additionally, she made sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and keeping her calories in her food rather than in her drink.

Snack Break
Given the physically demanding nature of her role as Wonder Woman (flying around in a harness can really take a toll), Gal made sure to have a small snack before lunchtime to keep her energy levels up.

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback

Credited to Magnus Lygdback, the mid-morning snack seemed more like a substantial mini-meal rather than a quick bite of pretzels. One of Lygdback’s top choices for a pre-lunch snack was a small salad consisting of tomatoes, seeds, and deli meats. This unique creation could be dubbed a “charcuterie board salad.”

When it came to lunch, Lygdback’s celebrity clients often enjoyed fish as their main protein. Gal’s midday meal typically included a colorful array of vegetables alongside the fish, such as seared tuna paired with grilled bok choy, baby broccoli, pickled radishes, and peppers. This lunch option aimed to provide a fun and flavorful variety for Lygdback’s clients.

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback

Crediting the photo to Magnus Lygdback, he mentions that you don’t need to stick to a boring diet of white rice, broccoli, and chicken. According to him, making healthy eating enjoyable and diverse makes it easier to maintain a balanced lifestyle. As the afternoon rolls around, Gal found herself reaching for another energy-boosting snack, often opting for fish to satisfy her cravings.

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback

Credit for the photo goes to Magnus Lygdback. Her usual dinner consisted of a basic salad with grilled mackerel, seeds, and a generous serving of guacamole, which helped her stay energized during busy days. For dinner, Gal’s meals were filled with plant-based foods like kale, kimchi, and wild rice. Instead of fish, she opted for protein from a juicy steak, like a grilled ribeye.

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback

Photo credit: Magnus Lygdback
Although not the most low-fat option, Lygdback prioritized the quality of Gal’s proteins, ensuring they were grass-fed, organic, or wild-caught.
And when it was time for Gal to indulge in a treat meal, it seems like pasta was a favorite choice.
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